4 Tips to Feel Good on Friday!
Ahhh, it’s Friday, let the weekend begin! But wait, you have an entire day ahead of you. Do you muddle through and hope for the best or do you have a game plan to help you through the day?
Here are 4 tips from the TLG team to feel good on Friday!
1. Complete your biggest projects earlier in the week and depending on the deadline, save the easier projects for Friday. If a last-minute project pops up, break it down into hourly increments so it’s not overwhelming.
2. Meet (via safe social distancing) or Zoom with people. Whether it’s your boss, a coworker or client, make today about connecting with others.
3. Take a break, get some exercise, meditate, crank up the music, have a dance party! You get where we’re going here. Do whatever feels good to keep you energized.
4. Close out your day creating a plan for the following week. We promise this will alleviate the Monday blues, but to do that, you need to organize and prioritize.
So, happy Friday, and here’s to loving Mondays!